Tarot Card Definitions – The Hanged Man

Written by GHP on 4:21 AM

Tarot Card Definitions – The Hanged Man

We will continue “Tarot Card Definitions” with the 12th card of the Major Arcana: The Hanged Man.


It is almost the accepted truth in the Tarot community that the Hanged Man card is the strangest card in the deck. In fact, it is so odd that it has become virtually synonymous with the Tarot itself. The image portrayed here is one of a particularly nasty medieval punishment called “bafflement” in which the offender would be hung from his legs face down. Although some versions of this card show the Hanged Man to be in torment, most show him smiling as if contented with his strange fate.

Upright Meaning:

This card turns the world on its head. This card represents confusion, self-sacrifice, and spiritual rather than material benefits and a reversal of values. The Hanged Man can indicate a temporary reversal of fortunes; this could mean that in order to move on in life smoothly, you must pay back a karmic debt. This card can also mean that it is time to look at things from another angle, as your original perspective is entirely wrong. Things could feel out of your control, and you might feel helpless as you are being taken advantage of. But grain your teeth and bear the situation, because it is a rapid learning experience and the ultimate recipient of the benefits will be you. And attempt to change the situation now will be a waste of time and effort.

The upright meaning to this card can be summoned up in two words: passive and patience. Sometimes this card can quite literally indicate a period of illness and recuperation. The Hanged Man can show that you are or will soon be on a trial of passage, increasing your spiritual awareness as you move from one phase of your life to the next.

Reversed Meaning:

When reversed, the Hanged Man looks as though he were standing on one leg. This might mean that you are unable to let go of the past despite a strong desire to move on. There is also a chance that someone is using emotional blackmail to their advantage against you. On the other hand, it may be that you yourself are playing the part of a martyr. Ask yourself whether you are punishing yourself for something that was not your fault. When you have removed this misplaced masochistic kind of self-blame you will be free to move on.

Tarot Card Definitions – The Hanged Man