Meaning of each Tarot card – The Chariot

Written by GHP on 12:11 AM

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Chariot

Let us continue this section of “Meaning of each Tarot card” with number 7 card of the Major Arcana: The Chariot.


In modern decks, the Chariot card carries the image of a conquering hero, crowned and victorious, standing in a chariot beneath a canopy. Two Egyptian sphinxes are leading the chariot instead of the traditional horses in A.E. Waite’s version of the card.

Upright Meaning:

As suggested by the name of this card, the Chariot is a “vehicle” of one’s self-expression. It is the means by which we make progress in this world. Inner strength and courage have to be summoned as battles against you will have to be fought; this is suggested by the armor of the charioteer. This probably did not come as a surprise to you, because the card suggests that this struggle has been going on for a while and the Chariot in a reading encourages you to continue, as the contest is likely to be ongoing.

The Chariot shows that you are in control of your own destiny; you have the power to direct your life in the right direction. In keeping with the triumphal symbolism, the card may also be taken as a warning against being too smug or taking excessive pride in your achievements. Remember to act with humility.

On a more mundane note, the Chariot can often be taken literally as a vehicle of some kind. It may be that you will purchase a new vehicle or undertake a journey. If the card does represent travel, then travel for work rather than for pleasure is the more likely outcome.

Reversed Meaning:

When a general has adrenaline running after a victorious battle, arrogance often accompanies right behind. This is the case with the reversed Chariot card. An over-inflated ego may be indicated and you may be trumpeting your own self-importance far too much. The reversed Chariot can also indicate frustration, because you think that things are not moving quickly enough to suit you. You may also feel pressurized and prone to childish outbursts and fits of temper that are directed against those who do not deserve your wrath.

Things might not be going the way you want it to in the face of the reversed Chariot. There are obstacles in your path and seemingly endless delays. Travel plans are likely to be a headache. Perhaps some soothing meditative techniques would help your frame of mind when the Chariot is found in the reversed position.

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Chariot

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