Tarot Card Definitions – Justice
Written by GHP on 8:47 PMTarot Card Definitions –Justice
With the 11th card of the Major Arcana: Justice, a juggling of the section title seems appropriate. “Meaning of each Tarot card” will now be re-titled to “Tarot Card Definitions”.
The familiar female figure of Justice sits enthroned, usually crowned with a heraldic “mural” crown resembling castle battlements. Unlike the Lady of Justice that stands outside law courts, Justice is rarely if ever blind n the Tarot system. This is because in traditional renderings of the card, Justice does not have her blindfold, and instead gazes boldly into the eyes of the viewer. The balance (representing fairness and equilibrium) is in her hand while the other grasps the sword of retribution and severity.
Upright Meaning:
The Justice card relates to the concepts of logic, fairness, equilibrium and impartiality in thought and deed, and a just attitude in all dealing with others. In order to answer your question, you will have to use reason and exercise a cool intellect mind. The Justice card points the way to giving and receiving fair advice. When upright, this also indicates that the judgments of powerful people will work in your favor.
Legal issues may be highlighted, for example legal contracts that will be found in your favor. In short, Justice shows success in all legal affairs and the probability of business proposals that will work to your advantage. Suggested in the card’s namesake, it can indicate the righting of a wrong that has been done to you in the past. It may even indicate a personal crusade to see justice done on behalf of someone else. It highlights issues of honesty, loyalty and idealism.
On a more spiritual level, the upright Justice card can be seen as the working out of positive karma. Perhaps for something good that you have in the past you are being rewarded. So, a run of particularly good luck is to be expected as the cosmic balance rights itself in your favor.
When the Justice card appears upright, it doesn’t necessarily mean a person will get everything he or she wants from a situation, but that what he or she does get will be fair and just.
Reversed Meaning:
Justice in both upright and reversed positions insists that a cool, calm, intellectual attitude will help you and your situation. So if the card shows up in a reading reversed, be cautious about making a decision. Think things over carefully or harm will come your way.
The reversed Justice literally has the opposite meaning to its right position. It is usually interpreted as injustice, decisions going against you even if you are morally in the right. This is especially troublesome if you are involved in any legal affairs. False accusations may be made against you and you could conceivably encounter some form of oppression or prejudice. Misinformation given to you through malice or simple misunderstanding can be very damaging. The reversed Justice card also shows self-seeking advisors, and you would be wise to choose who you confide in great care.
Think twice before signing any legal contracts. The trials and tribulations that you will go through will not be worth the effort and will tend to blight your life in some way.
Tarot Card Definitions – Justice
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