Meaning of each Tarot card – The High Priestess

Written by GHP on 7:57 PM

Meaning of each Tarot card – The High Priestess

Let us continue this section of “Meaning of each Tarot card” with number 2 card of the Major Arcana: The High Priestess.


The High Priestess card was also known as Female Pope, Pope Joan or the Papess in traditional times. This mysterious card displays a robed lady dressed somewhat like a nun, sitting and enthroned between two pillars. One white one black, these two pillars are sometimes marked with a J and a B. This stand for Jakin and Boaz, the names of the Qabalistic pillars of severity and mercy. A veil or a curtain is hung between the two pillars, behind the High Priestess. On her head she bears the triple tiara usually worn at papal coronations. In traditional cards she holds an open book on her lap, while in more modern cards more lunar symbolism are added: for example the papal tiara is replaced with a crown showing the phases of the moon, the open book is replaced with the Jewish bible which is a scroll marked “Torah”

Upright Meaning:

In the same context as the Magician card, the High Priestess card may represent the querent if she is a female, while in a man’s reading, the High Priestess often represents the woman in his life. The card can also symbolize inspiration, especially the kind that is associated with the muse.

Known as a mysterious card, The High Priestess indicates that whatever your question happens to be, you have yet to unearth all the facts. The card often represents a wise guide who will help you; it can be an actual person, usually a woman, though it may represent the faculties of intuition, memory, instinct and psychic ability that will serve to chart your path.

The card is considered to be scholarly, so it is a good omen for studies and the deepening of knowledge. The veil that hangs behind the Priestess also indicates that a secret that you suspect exists, but whose nature is concealed from you for the time being. But in the near future the secret shall be known to you and you will need a touch of inspiration and intuitive wisdom to put the new information to good use. Despite having a guide as suggested above, your own instincts and your gut feeling will be your best guide in this case. This is a hint that these inner feelings may derive from some higher power.

Reversed Meaning:

When this card is reversed, be sure to be extra cautious about careless comments and remarks; they can be extremely wounding in your endeavors. Secrets may be unwisely revealed and passions may overrule common sense, and sexual tensions and frustrations can be a problem. Recall whether you are spending too much time looking after other people’s welfare at the expense of your own, as the reversed High Priestess can represent this also. Should you feel that the card represents a particular person, then the reversed meaning represents the person whose morals are distinctly lacking or one who has a moody and hysterical nature.

Meaning of each Tarot card – The High Priestess

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