Meaning of each Tarot card –Strength

Written by GHP on 12:13 AM

Meaning of each Tarot card –Strength

Let us continue this section of “Meaning of each Tarot card” with number 8 card of the Major Arcana: Strength.


In most Tarot decks a female figure gently but firmly holds a lion by the jaws; she is either opening or closing the lion’s jaw, displaying control over the fierce beast. This lady wears a large, floppy hat reminiscent of that worn by the Magician.

There are quite a number of cards that display a more conventional image of Strength, such as that of Hercules armed with a club defeating the Nemean Lion, which was the first of his famous Twelve Labors.

Upright Meaning:

One can interpret Strength as to physical strength in this card, yet it does not imply feats of endurance or great heroic deeds. Willpower, tenacity, self-belief and mental resilience are fundamental to this card. In a nutshell, there is a way because there is a will.

In the face of challenges do not doubt your own ability; you have enemies to defeat and obstacles to overcome. You know what to do, and it is the right thing. This is your chance to prove yourself and improve your own self-esteem at the same time.

The card is a very welcome addition to any reading if one has been ill, because it is a sure indicator of a rapid recovery. Another angle at the suggested meaning of the Strength card is connected to overcoming bad habits. So, if you are a smoker, then Strength can show that you have the necessary willpower to overcome your habit.

If health matters are not issues, then Strength indicates fighting for what is right. If the card does foretell a battle then it is one that you are well equipped to win. Triumph and victory will be yours. Just remember to reward yourself when the struggle is over.

Reversed Meaning:

The determination of the upright Strength may be completely misplaced when the card is reversed. This determination might be blinding you to the fact that you are chasing the wrong goal. On the other hand, this could be an indication of cowardice, losing one’s nerve and giving in just when victory is in sight. You may have to fight with yourself or to rely on someone else to provide the backbone you desperately need in a time of challenge. Even so, like the king of the jungle – the lion - you are still about to take the lead in battle, even if it is only as a figurehead.

Meaning of each Tarot card –Strength

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