Reading Tarot Cards - The Significator Card

Written by GHP on 1:15 AM

Reading Tarot Cards - The Significator Card

When reading Tarot cards, you always begin by choosing the Significator. The Significator is a card that the Tarot readers choose to represent the person for whom they are reading (the querent). You begin by selecting a card that describes the individual’s age and sex. The choices here are standard. The King is chosen if the querent is a man forty years old or older. A Knight is used if he is less than forty. For the female, a Queen is used for forty years or older and Page is used for less than forty years old. The Page may also be used for teenagers or children. However, it is traditionally acceptable to use the Magician for a man or the Priestess for a woman if you cannot make up your mind which King, Queen, Knight or Page is most apt.

In addition, for reading Tarot cards often times a card is also chosen to represent the question (if any) that the querent is asking. The Lovers is often chosen for romantic relationship issues. When going on a trip or embarking on a journey, the Chariot, the Eight of Wands or Cups or the Six of Swords are often the choice of cards. The Ace of Coins is usually used for matters of finances.

Reading Tarot Cards - The Significator Card

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