Meaning of each Tarot card – The Emperor

Written by GHP on 9:36 PM

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Emperor

Let us continue this section of “Meaning of each Tarot card” with number 4 card of the Major Arcana: The Emperor.


In most versions of this card, the Emperor sits enthroned wearing an impressive crown. In the Emperor right hand he holds a scepter. His left hand sometimes holds an orb or a shield emblazoned with an imperial eagle to show that he is an Emperor rather than a King of the Minor Arcana.

Upright Meaning:

The imposing, regal figure of the Emperor represents the fulfillment of ambition. One of two things (or both) is suggested when the Emperor appears in a reading. 1). You have gained the notice of someone of a great power and authority. This person, who is probably male, is well disposed toward you and will act in your favor. 2). The card means that you will gain high achievement, honor and renown.

Today’s modern world the Emperor card represents those who wield power over ordinary people. Politicians, employers, managers and administrators are prime examples of such people. If the querent is a female, then the card can represent a strong figure, such as her father or husband, or possibly some other paternal figure in her life in whom she places trust.

In a more general sense, the Emperor is a welcoming sing if you have been suffering from a lack of confidence or if you have been/are downhearted. The cloud over your head will soon be gone. It also indicates that you possess some gift or talent that will enable you to move toward your ultimate goal. In short, the card promises victory, a raising of your status and great honors; however you must remain noble in your hour of triumph. It is also possible that the Emperor of the card refers to yourself. If this is the case, then you will soon have the power to influence events and to emerge well from a crisis, in a position of authority and trust.

Reversed Meaning:

The reversed Emperor can be a real tyrant. Abusive and damaging, the reversed Emperor sees to it that he reigns supreme and comes up on top through demanding means. The paternalism of the upright Emperor now becomes abusive and damaging. Someone sees you as a threat or who just does not like you or your ideas; as a result your tasks at hand will not be completed as you wish. If you want to know if someone is trustworthy, the reversed Emperor shows that he is not. If the card appears to indicate part of your own character, then perhaps you are not as strong and capable as you would like others to think.

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Emperor

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