Meaning of each Tarot card – The Magician

Written by GHP on 4:53 AM

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Magician

Let us continue this section of “Meaning of each Tarot card” with number 1 card of the Major Arcana: The Magician.


The Magician wears a red and white robe together with a belt of a seperant eating its own tail (forming the circle around The Magician’s hip). Above his head there is a lemniscate. This lemniscate signifies the Magician as a figure who exudes occult power, as it is the symbol of eternity (a figure eight turned on its side). On The Magician’s table are the four suit emblems of the Minor Arcana (Wands, Coins, Swords, Cups). The Magician holds a wand in his right hand and a ball or coin in his other hand.

Upright Meaning:

The Magician card is number 1, showing the start of a new enterprise that requires initiative, willpower and a vision of the future. With a sense of purpose, The Magician represents dynamism and the ability to cope with new circumstances in the context of the question asked. Uncertainty will be element here, as in any new adventures and endeavors. However The Magician promises that with a little ingenuity you will succeed in whatever you set out to do.

If you are thinking about a major departure in your life and The Magician appears, congratulations. The card shows that your new distance has plenty of potential and it is up to you to deploy shrewdness so as to get your plans off the ground. If you are faced with opposition, the appearance of The Magician indicates that you are capable of thinking several steps ahead of those who are holding you back; you are capable of out-thinking, out-talking and out-pacing any rival.

A lot of times The Magician represents a man: if the querent is a male then the card represents him, and if a female then the card represents a special man in the female’s life.

It should be noted that if the querent is a female and this card appears, this special man can be the worthy suitor that he appears to be, or conversely, someone with an eye on the main chance.

Reversed Meaning:

The reversed Magician can indicate a confidence trickster or an extremely plausible lair. If an opportunity is presented to you, then be very suspicious of the other’s motives. New enterprises are likely to fail or they may be designed to part you from your cash.

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Magician

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