Meaning of each Tarot card – The Fool

Written by GHP on 3:34 AM

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Fool

Let us start this section of “Meaning of each Tarot card” with number 0 card of the Major Arcana: The Fool.


A court jester-like figure on the road, the basic image on this card who is dressed in “motley” with a cap and bells, with a stick over his shoulder and a knotted sack hanging on the other end. Many versions of the card also features a small dog, or very occasionally a cat.

Upright Meaning:

Being number 0, The Fool is both the first and the last card of the Tarot sequence and a link between the two. As the first card, it serves as a preliminary to that which will follow and has strong associations with childhood, innocence and new beginnings. As the last card, the Fool serves as a sigh of relief and an indicator of a new and exciting departure.

The Fool is a combination of bravery and naïve which comes from its innocence. Yet it is this very carelessness that provides the protection. The Fool’s head may be in the clouds with pitfalls and perils all around him, yet he is completely safe. His ever optimistic and innocence views will always be The Fool’s protection.

When this card appears, the sky is the limit for what can happen. The prospect of the journey will be exciting and the potential for fun along the way is endless. Everything will seem worth its weight as as the wonders you will see on your journey will ensure that you would not miss it for anything in the world. One thing is certain, you are going to dive in with a sense of innocence and come out a seasoned and experienced life traveler.

Reversed Meaning:

When this card is reversed, take a long, hard look at your life, because great caution should be exercised for whatever you have planned. The reversed Fool warns against impulsive decisions and foolish whims that can lead you into danger. Just like a child sometimes do, you may be acting in an irrational or immature manner. Be cautious about the move you are about to take, as you can be seen and feel literally like The Fool.

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Fool

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