Written by GHP on 2:39 AM
Meaning of each Tarot card – The Lovers
Let us continue this section of “Meaning of each Tarot card” with number 6 card of the Major Arcana: The Lovers.

With the possible exception of the Judgment card, the Lovers card varied in design more than any other card. In the more modern design by A.E. Waite, the Cupid is represented by Raphael, the powerful archangel. The card’s environment is the biblically famous Garden of Eden. Adam standing on the right in front of the Tree of Life, while Eve, apple of temptation in hand, stands on the left before the Tree of Knowledge, which has a serpent crawling up it. Between the two humans and their respective trees, a solitary mountain peak rears in the distance.
Upright Meaning:
Almost stating the obvious, the Lovers card refers to affairs of the heart. In many cases, the appearance of this card suggests that a new amorous adventure is budding. A new lover, a new relationship and deep emotional commitment are indicated. This is true regardless of your thinking in these matters right now; you will be surprised by the intensity of feeling that is to come.
In a more general sense, when the Lovers card appears in a reading, you should soon be expected to make an important decision that will affect the rest of your life. There may be a conflict between your duty and your heart’s true desire. This is an important matter, because two paths lie before you. One of these involves taking a great risk, but the advantage of this is that you could gain great happiness and emotional fulfillment. The other path is far more conventional, as it promises to continue your way of life as is usual for you. The advantage of this path is safety and previously established security. What these two paths offer is obvious to most: excitement and adventure for the first and calm, stable life for the second that you will inevitably be bored with in the long run.
In the face of the Lovers card, it is the heart that should speak and dominate the issue. So pick your path by following your feelings, and happiness will follow.
On a less profound note, the Lovers card can also show the establishment of a very close friendship that touches you deeply.
Reversed Meaning:
When the Lovers are reversed, it can mean that you are currently experience (or soon will experience) an unfulfilled life, an unhappy love affair and dissatisfaction with the status quo. Your devotion to duty may blight your chances of personal happiness. The choice of lifestyle indicated by the upright card is still before you, but there may be a lack of courage and commitment on your part to take that step. The reversed Lovers card can also indicate a separation from a lover when the card, however this is not necessarily a permanent situation, even though it will be an unwelcome development.
Meaning of each Tarot card – The Lover
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