Meaning of each Tarot card – The Empress

Written by GHP on 9:01 PM

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Empress

Let us continue this section of “Meaning of each Tarot card” with number 3 card of the Major Arcana: The Empress.


Similar to the previous card, the High Priestess, the Empress sits crowned and enthroned, often hold a shield and a scepter. To distinguish the card from a Queen of the Minor Arcana, many artists draw an imperial eagle on the Empress’ shield. Other decks emblazon the shield with the astrological symbol of the planet Venus. As seen in the photo, the Imperial crown that the Empress wears is often decorated with twelve small stars. As for her scepter, some might mistaken it for a hand mirror or another depiction of the Venus symbol. More modern decks show the Empress seated in lush countryside. Some show her to be pregnant or suckling an infant.

Upright Meaning:

When the fertile Empress shows up, a time of prosperity and joy is unrevealed. The card indicates material comfort and hints at someone with whom to share contentment. The Empress card is symbolically associated with the springtime; which indicates the fruitfulness of the earth and the fertility of both human beings and animals. This is why often the Empress is associated with pregnancy. In essence, the card is maternal in nature and can show emotional support, protectiveness and a resultant feeling of security. When this card appears in a reading, it means that everything will turn out all right in the end. Even if you get a few bruises and scrapes along the way, you will have someone to kiss it better and hug you while telling you how well you have done. The Empress expresses reassurance and love.

The Empress can sometimes indicate moving to a new home. This is especially true if you enjoy decorating or gardening and if you also love to surround yourself with beautiful possessions. It should not be forgotten that there is a certain proprietary aspect to the Empress. In fact, one of the first things that should cross your mind when you see this card is the phrase “this is mine.”

Reversed Meaning:

The maternal nature of the Empress shows a darker side when the card is reversed. It can be that someone is far too protective, allowing loved ones little scope for self-expression. There may be problems that are caused by children who feel frustrated in their home environment. Domestic tyranny and emotional blackmail could be major problems associated with the reversed Empress. Financial difficulties are also a possibility when this card is reversed, so consider spending less and saving up a little bit.

Meaning of each Tarot card – The Empress

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